STAR Council Award
We are proud to report that we again were awarded STAR Council status for the 7th year in a row.
Star Awards recognize outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, programming, and overall operations. Earning a Star Award is the marker of a high preforming Knights of Columbus unit and the goal to which every council, district, and assembly should strive.
We thank all who support us and those we serve for helping us achieve this prestigious award.
May God bless you and your loved ones.
Rich Noga -- Grand Knight
Paul Nicholas. -- Deputy Grand Knight & Program Director
New In-Person Exemplification Process Being Developed
Our Council has partnered with St. Ladislas' council to start a new in-person exemplification program. The program will provide indoctrination and initiation of new members into our respective councils. We anticipate launching the program in March. More details will follow soon.