COUNCIL #16376
Thank you for visiting our site.
Our Council proudly engages in charitable activities within our parish and the broader community. Founded in 2015, we are over 100 members strong. We have been recognized for our many charitable activities by being awarded STAR Council each of the past 8 years. The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership and service program activities. We thank our membership for all they do in the name of Jesus. We invite others to gives us a look and consider joining us in serving those in need.
Our general member meetings are held the first Monday of the month in our Parish's Dempsey Hall beginning with a 6:30 pm rosary followed by our 7:00 pm meeting.
May God bless you and your loved ones. Vivat Jesus!
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. We have over 2 million members in over 16,000 councils worldwide. We organize and provide opportunities to help members and their families grow in faith. We engage in voluntary charitable activities in service to the Catholic Church, local parishes, communities, youth, and Knights' families. We also provide a place where members and their families can socialize with other practicing Catholics from their parishes and communities.
The Knights of Columbus Council #16376 was formed in December 2015. We are growing and are actively engaged in many activities within our St. Bernadette Parish and the greater community.
If you’re interested serving our parish, helping those in need, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you.
Scan this website to view scheduled activities on our calendar, listings and pictures of our activities, and how to contact us for more information.